Removable installer

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Removable fixer or retainer, as its name suggests, is removable. The removable retainer follows a special shape to keep the teeth in a fixed position. The retainer consists of a set of wires that pass through the front of all the front teeth of the upper jaw and the front teeth of the lower jaw, and acrylic hooks located between or behind the back teeth. The combination of wires and hooks in the removable retainer keeps the teeth in the correct position and orthodontic shape, and in this work, they work well as fixed retainers.

The main advantage of removable retainers is their portability. The patient can easily remove the removable retainer from his mouth and easily clean the teeth and the retainer itself. Of course, we should not forget that this fixer must also be used during the day. In different cases, the orthodontist’s instructions differ, but usually in the first trimester, you should use the removable retainer day and night. After this time, if there is no change in the shape of the teeth, the patient may have to use this retainer at night only as ordered by the specialist.