المجاميع | الموضوع | التاريخ | |
1 | زيد حيدر احمد حسن محمد عامر نصرالدين اكرم |
Maxillofacial prosthesis of hemimaxillectomy , A comparison between prosthesis pass the midline and not pass the midline | 24/3/2018 ساعة 11:30 سبت |
2 | ندى حسين مريم ظافر مينا عادل صابرين هوال |
Post insertion problems | 24 /3/2018 ساعة 11:30 سبت |
3 | محمد عادل عزيز علي ندى علي فاطمة وليد |
Relevance of Willis guide on vertical etermination of CD | 24/3/2018 ساعة 11:3 سبت |
4 | صالح علي مصطفى احمد زينب مادح نور جواد |
Timing in implant dentistry | 24/3/2018 ساعة 11:30 سبت |
5 | مصطفى باسم مجتبى سالم مرتضى مجيد حيدر عباس | Selection of anterior teeth (shade & size) Abstract Selecting artificial teeth for a denture is complex when there are no remaining natural teeth and no pre-extraction records. The aim of this research is to review the methods used to select artificial anterior teeth for the edentulous individual. The review is organized according to the methods used for determining artificial tooth shade and width. Several factors have been proposed as aids for artificial tooth selection, and numerous methods have been devised for the evaluation of reliable esthetic factors in determining artificial tooth shade and form. According to this research ,We found that we can depend on Inter Pupillary Distance as a reliable method for selection the width of anterior teeth and that the digital photography method emerged as a reliable methodfor shade selection in a clinical setup. | 25/3/2018 ساعة 10:30 احد |
6 | تبارك باسم سما محمد علياء صباح زهراء سليم |
The relation between bizygomatic width & the width of 6 anterior teeth(the preportion1/16) | 25/3/2018 ساعة 10:30 احد |
7 | محمد حميد مريم عبدالكاظم سجاد جعفر احمد حسن |
Residual ridge resorption , reasons,effect on prsthodontic treatment & how to manage Supported with some clinical cases | 29/3/ 2018 خميس |
8 | جاسم محمد رحيق سالم دنيا علي شهد علاء |
Single complete denture problems & how to overcome them with possible solutions. with example of some cases | 29/3/2018 خميس |
9 | حسن خميس زهراء خضير شذى مالك كوثر عبدالله |
CD primary & final impression failure in 5th year dental students | 29/3/2018 خميس |
10 | امير فائز مصطفى حكمت مريم سعد هبة عادل |
Systemic disease in CD treatment & which the most systemic disease in relation to CD treatment in Karbalaa | 29/ 3/2018 خميس |
11 | كوثر ليث دعاء هاشم زينب ضياء زهراء محمد |
Reasons for seeking CD treatment & reasons for remaking new denture | 1/4/2018 احد |
12 | علياء سهيل وردة صالح فاطمة عبد الرضا زهراء عبد الكريم |
Posterior palatal seal area relation to fovea palatine | 1/4/2018 احد |
13 | شيماء طالب رواء عبدالرضا حنين ناجح زينب ثامر |
Impression materials and techniques in CD fabrication Clinical cases with its variations & the suitable materials & techniques Abstract Aim: The search aim was to assess present practice concerning impression techniques and materials used for making complete denture in Kerbela university collage of dentistry 2017-2018 in our educational clinics . Materials and Methods: This study was conducted through self-administered survey. The survey tested practice rather than information in complete denture impression techniques and materials. The Self-administered survey tested five questions associated with straight forward complete denture construction. Results: 23 case of edentulous and semi edentulous patients where involved in our survey, Imp. Compound(52%) material is the most commonly used primary impression material (for complete denture only), (13%) alginate (in semi complete only); then heavy body(4.4% semi complete only), and 13% have been made by combination of imp. compound and alginate, 43.5% of the students preferred ZOE for making final impressions, followed by polyvinyl siloxane 30.4% , alginate 13% and imp. Compound + alginate 13%, 52% of the students use selective pressure technique for making final impression, muco-compressive technique used by 48% students, no one of students used mucostatic technique 87% have taken with single imp. tech and 13% sectional imp. techniques, 13%of the cases were poor results. Conclusions: There were significant differences toward specific materials or techniques, which revealed different clinical preferences and the needs of every case in construction of conventional complete and semi complete dentures, this research shows the dominance of use of impression compound in primary impressions making in edentulous cases and alginate in semi edentulous cases, most of students use zinc oxide eugenole or silicone as final impression material. | 5/4/2018 خميس |
14 | ايات محمد ملاك حازم زينب سمير غدير طالب |
The relation of the length of the maxillary arch to the length of the ant. & post. Teeth | 5/4/2018 خميس |
15 | زينب احمد ابراهيم محمد مرتضى بتول حميد |
Undercuts and need for block out Comparison between eyes & survey | 5/4/2018 خميس |
1 6 | حسين سلام سجاد فاضل ندى اياد سارة عبد |
overdenture vs. conventional denture comparison among patients which is more effective(cost ,time) to the patient and to the dentist in karbalaa | 5/4/2018 خميس |
1 7 | حيدر كريم الاء ابراهيم مصطفى محمد ا لحمزة محمد |
Need for relining a-immediate b- delayed Number of Clinical cases with reasons | 7/4/2018 سبت |
1 8 | علي حامد زهراء عدنان اسراء رزاق مصطفى علي |
Bony undercut management in complete denture treatment Supported by clinical cases from the clinic of 5th year student | 7/4/2018 سبت |
1 9 | فصال محمد احمد فلاح |
Horizontal jaw relation comparison between 2 methods:a-head tilt back without operator intervention. b-guiding the mandible by the operator. | 7/4/2018 سبت |
20 | هدى وناس رسل حميد غدير تركي ورود عبد الامير |
Impression technique for FEE which one give best result among dental students in Karbalaa | 7/4/2018 |
21 | صفا عبد العباس علا محمود منار صبيح زهراء صباح |
Denture repair | 7/4/2018 |