Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases Laboratory

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Today we discuss an overview of the oral and maxillofacial disease laboratory, as it is considered one of the main laboratories in the College of Dentistry, as it is responsible for providing the following information and knowledge
In this laboratory, the histological nature of oral lesions and how to diagnose them under a microscope are taught to fourth-year students. In this laboratory, the practical curriculum is taught, as well as the provision of histological diagnostic services to patients.
Through this study, the student will have acquired scientific information and be able to detect and diagnose diseases that affect the teeth and surrounding tissues, the lining of the mouth and teeth, the roof of the mouth and face, and the methods of prevention and treatment used recently, and this is done under the supervision of the subject professor.
The teacher, Dr. Raed Razzaq Al-Khafaji