Many people work full time, more than 40 hours per week. But in reality, exhaustion should not be accompanied by work permanently. As for the constant fatigue, it must be dealt with, so that it does not reflect negatively on the employee’s health and the course of work in the company.
An employee who is unable to work for a long time considers that the working time, which exceeds the 8-hour period per day, is an unbearable burden, and he may remain forced to work for a longer period at times, at the request of his manager or assigning him a new task at the last moment.
On the other hand, there are some employees, who spend more time at work, in order to prevent their feeling of guilt, because of not doing their work properly.
An American study indicated that the average weekly working time of employees ranges between 46 and 47 hours, which is equivalent to an additional day of work.
The survey included more than 1,200 adults, and it was found that 21 percent of them worked between 50 and 59 hours, while 18 percent spent about 60 hours, and 11 percent spent between 41 and 49 hours per week.
The large number of weekly working hours may lead to a decrease in the rate of productivity, a decline in the health and psychological state, and a weak concentration, in addition to the inability to participate in social and family relationships.
The Center for Disease Control and Control indicated that mental health declines due to excessive work, that is, spending between 9 and 12 hours a day, which leads to a lack of focus and increased fatigue.
Thus, burnout can be eliminated by following important and precautionary steps, by having managers address the problem of employee burnout before it negatively affects the course of work and productivity.