Working in offices using computers and screens seems simple at first glance, and does not cause any physical problems.
But in fact, there are many health problems caused by working in offices, among these problems – “dry eye” syndrome, which is observed in a third of office workers, especially among those who use contact lenses and spend a long time in front of the computer.
Dry eye syndrome is a group of diseases caused by a decrease in the quantity and quality of tears, because this fluid forms a membrane that protects and nourishes the eye.
The basic symptoms of this syndrome are similar to the symptoms that appear in the case of eye strain, but the truth can easily be identified, as it is characterized by the following symptoms:
• The severity of eye dryness and sensitivity.
• Burning sensation and the presence of a foreign body in it.
Fatigue speed.
Feeling of sand in the eye.
• Decreased clarity of vision.
• Intensity of sensitivity to light.
These symptoms appear as a result of spending a long time in front of the computer without interruption, even for short periods of time every hour, and the rate of eyelashes decreases by half, and this causes corneal dryness, and when a person uses contact lenses, the evaporation of liquid from the eye increases, and there are two other factors that cause this dryness, They are the dryness of the office air and the air-conditioning and heating equipment that operates without interruption, causing the humidity to drop by 15-20 percent.
Dry eye causes a feeling of discomfort and poor visual acuity, and may cause more serious eye problems that may lead to complete loss of vision.
In order for a person not to suffer from “dry eye”, he must observe the rules for preventing this syndrome, which are:
• Take a short break from time to time (every hour or two).
• Use air humidifiers and exercise for the eyes. During the work period, eye drops can be used to moisturize the eyes for a long time.
Observance of these simple rules is enough to protect the eyes from “dry eye” syndrome.