Psychologists in the United States have discovered that the best way to identify a narcissistic person is to ask him about it directly.
The new test consists of only one question, which psychologists reached after they conducted 11 tests in which 2,200 volunteers participated, where they discovered that people suffering from narcissism can be identified by the question, “To what extent do you agree with the saying: I am a narcissist?” After that, each participant was asked to rate his or her narcissism on a 7-point scale.
Psychologists emphasize that only 20 seconds is sufficient to determine the test result, while the basic traditional test, “Narcissistic Personality Inventory”, requires no less than 20 minutes. They add, of course, that the new test will not replace the basic traditional test, but it will help identify those who suffer. of narcissism.
“People who are willing to admit their narcissism can really be it, and they are proud of it, because they don’t see it as a bad thing, and they trust that they are better than the people around them and they are willing to say it openly,” says Breed Bushman of Ohio State University.
Self-love and selfishness:
It is noteworthy that psychologists consider narcissism a psychological disease, because it is a personality disorder, and it means self-love, and is characterized by vanity, arrogance, and a sense of importance. himself to death.
It can be said that the main feature that expresses narcissism is selfishness, because the sufferer adores himself and that he is the best, the most beautiful, and the smartest of those around him, so he tries to exploit them and ridicule them, from here we see him constantly taking care of his outward appearance and elegance, and he is very comfortable when he hears words of praise, praise and admiration for his appearance. And in person.