American scientists researched the reasons why women speak more than men, in an attempt to find a scientific explanation for the matter.
According to the results of this study, women actually speak more than men because of the Foxp2 protein that women’s bodies contain at a high rate.
This study, conducted by scientists from the University of Maryland, USA, came to confirm previous data indicating that women utter about 20,000 words per day, while the number of words uttered by men does not exceed 7,000.
Scientists point out that the rate of Foxp2 protein is higher in male experimental mice than in females, as researchers have observed that males cry more than females, 4 days after their birth when they are separated from their mothers.
In the framework of this experiment, 10 children between the ages of 3 and 5 years were examined, and it was found that the percentage of Foxp2 protein in females was 30% more than that of males.