Redness of the skin, difficulty in swallowing and other symptoms that appear in some people when they eat some foodstuffs such as nuts, for example, and may end in their death. This condition is known as allergic shock, so how do we deal with this condition to save ourselves from the danger of death?
The word shock is often used to express astonishment and astonishment, but shock has a different interpretation in the scientific dictionary, as it is known as the worst case of allergy that afflicts some and sometimes leads to death.
According to the doctor, an allergy specialist, Marcus Fornley, an allergic shock is a severe and life-threatening allergic reaction that occurs in some people when they eat substances that cause them allergies, so that the body responds to these substances by activating the immune system, by releasing various substances in the body such as histamine, which leads to An expansion of blood vessels, a drop in blood pressure, and swelling in various organs in the body such as the lungs and skin.
The symptoms of anaphylactic shock are as follows:
1. Shortness of breath.
2. Difficulty swallowing.
3. Heaviness in the tongue that hinders the ability to speak.
4. A drop in blood pressure.
5. Nausea.
7. Loss of consciousness.
The causes of allergic shock vary from person to person, but allergic shock often affects people who suffer from allergies to certain foods such as nuts or pumpkin seeds, medicines, or even substances that enter the body through a bee sting, for example.
Doctors advise those who suffer from allergies to have a first aid kit, anti-allergy medications, and an adrenaline syringe, which is a needle that the patient can self-inject, and this needle helps save the patient by transfusing blood to important organs in the body such as the heart, brain and kidneys.
• Allergy specialist Francesca Rove summarizes the method of using an adrenaline injection in three steps:
1. Remove the protective cover (safety valve).
2. Press the needle with a firm grip on the thigh.
3. Continue pressing for 10 seconds, and then go directly to the hospital to undergo the necessary examinations.