Everyone over thirty complains from time to time of pain in the neck, back or shoulders, and the first thing people resort to to combat the pain is to stay in bed and stop moving, and this is the exact error, but what is the best way to get rid of these pains?
The most prominent cause of back, neck, and even shoulder pain is muscle spasm and contraction that often results from sitting or lying down incorrectly. For example, someone who sits for several hours in front of a computer without a break and practicing some movements that help relax will suffer from neck pain sooner or later, according to the website. German Gesundheit for medical advice and advice.
Doctors believe that the cause of neck and back pain is the friction of the vertebrae of the spine due to the calcification and erosion of the cartilage that separates them, as a result of lack of movement or wrong movement, and often there is atrophy in the muscles of patients who suffer from these pains.
But the cold and air current also cause pain in the neck, but it often disappears on its own after two days. Psychological problems can also cause pain, such as sitting incorrectly.
Protective and useful movement:
People who sit for long periods of time often suffer from neck pain, so movement is very necessary for them. In addition to sitting healthy and preventing cold and draft, relaxation exercises and above all movement are among the best ways to avoid neck pain.
Movement contributes to bone stability and muscle strengthening, and even when there is severe pain, you should not lie in bed for a long time.
Recent research has shown that movement and regular exercise contribute to reducing and reducing pain, and even to its disappearance as well.
Those who do not exercise should take a walk, ride a bicycle or swim for 5 to 20 minutes a day. And whoever does not have time for that, he can at least climb the stairs instead of using the elevator or dispense with the car sometimes and walk.
And if the pain persists for more than three months, then we can talk about a clinical disease. And rarely are these pains signs of real diseases such as rheumatism, osteoporosis, or disc.
Warmth to relieve pain:
Hot bags can be used as a way to treat neck and back pain, as they contain iron powder that heats up to 40 degrees Celsius and maintains its temperature for about eight hours. Hot compresses can also be used for treatment, because warmth contributes to muscle relaxation and getting rid of spasm, and thus getting rid of pain.
It should be noted that about a third of those who are absent from work in Germany as a result of illness, the cause is pain in the neck, shoulder or back