• Choose “brown” wholemeal bread, which contains more dietary fiber. Although it contains the same number of calories as white bread, the fibers in it help you feel full, stimulate the movement of your digestive system, and protect you from constipation.
• A medium slice of bread (which weighs 28 grams) contains about seventy calories, and this applies to brown and white bread. Therefore, when you eat brown bread, do not think that it is low in calories, so you eat it extravagantly. There is no such thing as “diet” bread.
• You have to pay attention to the “dip” that you eat the bread with. Brown bread will not remain a healthy choice if you eat it with butter, margarine, jam and cream, especially if you are trying to control your weight. When you prepare your sandwich, what is between the two pieces of bread determines the value of the healthy sandwich. There is a difference between two pieces of bread. The bread includes slices of processed meat and mayonnaise, and the other two contain a layer of labneh, cucumber and delicious tomatoes.
• If you are a fan of olive oil, do not spread it too much on bread, and use a small oil brush to apply a small amount of it. Although it is a healthy oil and is believed to reduce the risk of heart disease, it is rich in energy and may make it difficult for your efforts to lose weight. As for butter and margarine, you know for sure. They contain saturated fats, so it is better to keep them away from your expensive piece of bread.
• Burn the bread, but not before eating it, but after it, by being active and exercising, thus burning the calories that the piece of bread gave you, and in this way you strengthen your muscles and bones and enhance your activity and vitality, and you also burn bread and other food in a healthy way that pleases the onlookers.