London: We all keep his pen in a box on the desk, in a cupboard, drawer, etc., but a British woman kept it in her stomach for 25 years to extract it from it while it was in good condition and fit for writing.
The British newspaper “Daily Mail” reported that the 76-year-old woman went to the doctor because she was suffering from weight loss and diarrhea, but an emergency examination revealed areas in her large intestine suffering from infections, which caused her abdominal pain.
Doctors at the “Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital Foundation Trust” conducted a CT scan of the abdomen, only to be surprised by the presence of something that looked like a pen to a large extent.
When the woman was asked about the matter, she recalled that she had accidentally swallowed a pen 25 years ago when she was trying to look at her tonsils in the mirror.
And the woman was given a gastroscope to make sure that the doctors actually had a pen.
The pen did not cause any damage to her stomach, and the doctors decided to remove it because there was a slight risk that it might cause her intestinal rupture.
And he took out the pen with surgery, only to be surprised by the doctors that it was still usable.