The importance of dental floss:
Dental floss is used before brushing, and at first a little training is required. Dental floss is a good tool for cleaning between the teeth from plaque and food residue.
• It is necessary to choose a toothpaste with good specifications:
The ingredients of toothpaste are usually composed of detergents, and they should not be in excessive quantities, as they are for cleaning teeth and not for cleaning a cooking stove. It should not erode the protective layer of the tooth. It must contain fluoride.
Proper cleaning:
This is done by removing the plaque layer and wiping the teeth with light vibratory movements, and cleaning from the gums towards the tooth always and not vice versa.
• Tongue brush to eliminate bacteria:
The tongue, especially the back of it, is a storehouse of bacteria, as bacteria regenerate through it to then settle between the teeth, creating a new layer of plaque, and the tongue brush also helps to eliminate bad breath.
Between electric and manual toothbrushes:
Tough choice for those who are undecided, both of which work, of course. But an electric toothbrush certainly suits human nature, supporting our comfort cravings.
Interdental brush:
A small interdental brush is an alternative to floss, as it is easier for many to use. There are different degrees depending on the size of the spaces between the teeth.