A recent study confirmed that regular exercise does not prevent the chances of exposure to disease or premature death that come from sitting too much every day.
And 47 previous studies reported, according to what was published by Health Day News, that Canadian researchers had found that sitting for long periods of time daily was associated with a large percentage of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and death.
Even if study participants exercised regularly, accumulating evidence still showed worse health outcomes for those who sat for long periods, the researchers said. However, those who exercised little did not face higher health risks than those who sat for long periods.
Study author Avirup Biswas, Ph.D., in Toronto, said, “When we stand, certain muscles in the body work hard to keep us upright, and as soon as we get to sit for a long time our metabolic system malfunctions and lethargy is associated with a lot of effects.” negativity.”
And about 3.2 million people die each year because they are not active enough, according to the World Health Organization, making physical inactivity a fourth risk factor for deaths worldwide.