Despite the suffering of the slimmest girl in the world from health problems that force her to eat a meal every 20 minutes, equivalent to 60 meals a day, in order to be able to survive, she decided to overcome her health, psychological and social problems and achieve successes that support her in achieving herself and strengthening her confidence By self.
And the American “Lisa”, who is 24 years old, weighs less than 27 kilograms, given that she suffers from a rare disease – which often kills the owner at an early stage of his life – and is represented in the patient’s birth without sebaceous glands, which made the issue of Its glands keep fatty substances something like impossibilities.
Lisa works as a social speaker on the American TLC television, where she deals with social issues to motivate members of society to accept rare medical conditions, and to help patients accept their lives and try to move forward towards their successes, by recounting facts from her life. She also wrote two books about The same topics, and achieved the highest sales in the United States.