Wisdom teeth are the third permanent molars that erupt at a late age, and their eruption coincides with the period when a person reaches the age of majority. Therefore, it is called a wisdom tooth.
Although these molars are not used in the process of chewing, they may lead to the emergence of many problems, and in this case surgery is performed to extract the molars, which is beneficial in some cases and dangerous in others.
German dentist Kai Vortelka said that until recently, wisdom teeth were removed as early as possible, but in the past few years this procedure has been reconsidered, as dentists during treatment are based on a modern guideline for tooth extraction. mind by surgical intervention.
And the German oral and dental surgeon, Wilfried Wagner, explained that the wisdom tooth must be extracted immediately if it causes severe problems, such as the appearance of pressing pain in the jaw or when infections appear in the surrounding tissues.
Surgical intervention is also recommended in the event of general symptoms, for example if there are indications that wisdom teeth cause tooth or facial pain, and then surgical intervention must be considered.
• protection :
Wagner emphasized that wisdom teeth are not only extracted to treat pain, but are removed in some cases to prevent them, and this is what makes the preventive wisdom tooth extraction process easier and less dangerous. The dentist should evaluate how the external teeth are developing.
Leaving wisdom teeth in the jaw may involve many risks, given that wisdom teeth appear gradually, and can cause new infections with each time they grow, in addition to putting pressure on the jaw. For patients with a narrow jaw, the incisors may overlap each other, especially after orthodontic treatment, and this pressure may lead to damage to the jaw or molars.
And if it is expected that the development of the condition will lead to the emergence of such symptoms, then preventive surgery will be useful in such cases, but that always depends on the ages of the patients themselves. From the reality of surgeon Wagner’s experience, young people and adolescents are considered The best people can be operated on, as the expected complications are reduced to a minimum with patients between the ages of 14 and 25 years. The older the patients, the greater the risk of surgical intervention.
The risk of surgical intervention appears if the wisdom tooth is large, or it is located near a large nerve, or it is difficult for the doctor to reach it between the teeth.In such cases, the risks of surgical intervention must be assessed.
Patients must perform the surgery at a dentist with proven competence and experience, given that if the doctor is used to extracting wisdom teeth, he performs such operations faster and in a more comfortable manner for the patient.
The patient should bear in mind the emergence of some problems after the surgical intervention for two or three days, as during this period some swelling and pain or difficulties may appear while opening the mouth.
Wagner advises the need to go to the doctor if this trouble continues for a longer period than that, because the possible consequences may be damage to the nerves or to the jaw, as well as infection in the wound.
Do not rush:
Klaus Koch (from the Institute for Quality and Economic Efficiency in the Health Sector) indicated that the patient needs a dentist who advises him well. Immediately, but he should not rush to make this decision and he can go to a second dentist to consult him in the sick case, if he is not convinced of the opinion of the first doctor.
Patients should remain calm and think carefully about the issue of surgical intervention. When deciding to undergo surgery, preliminary examinations should be carried out and a dentist with experience and competence should be consulted.