The human nose smells over a trillion different scents

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A new American study showed that the human nose can smell more than a trillion different smells, contrary to what is known.
And the American (Health Day News) reported that a study prepared by researchers from Rockefeller University, New York, showed that the human nose can distinguish much more odors than previously thought, and it can smell more than a trillion odors.
And one of the study’s authors, Andreas Keller, said, “It has always been said that human noses are able to distinguish only 10,000 odors,” but this study indicates its ability to distinguish between more than a trillion different odors, much more than the colors and sounds that the human eye or ear can. to pick it up.
He explained that the smell of the rose, for example, actually includes 275 different aroma compounds, and a person is able to smell them all.
But Keller stated that despite the strong sense of smell, if a person is forced to give up the sense of sight, hearing, or smell, he gives up the latter.