Frequently asked questions about food items that are beneficial for dental health

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1- Does healthy eating help eliminate tooth decay?

Healthy food can prevent tooth decay and other complications, but it does not have a therapeutic effect in eliminating tooth decay. If any of the oral and dental complications occur, you should see the dentist as soon as possible and undergo treatment.

2-Can taking a multivitamin tablet be effective in promoting dental health?

Multivitamins, especially for people who do not follow a good diet, can be a good source of vitamins and minerals needed for healthy gums and overall body health. However, it is recommended that the food needed for dental health be provided through proper nutrition and that multivitamins be taken under the supervision of a dentist and with a prescription.

3- Are nuts a good food for dental health?

Yes, nuts and all kinds of them can have a significant positive impact on oral and dental health due to their antioxidant content. However, while consuming nuts and seeds, residue gets stuck between the teeth and, if not removed, can provide a suitable environment for the growth of harmful bacteria and cause tooth decay or plaque formation.

4- Does eating useful food help in enhancing the health of the tooth enamel only, or does it also positively affect the roots of the teeth?

Eating useful and nutritious food not only affects the appearance and enamel of the teeth and maintains their strength and health, but also causes the necessary nutrients to reach the blood vessels, gum tissue and tooth roots and maintains their health as well.

5-Can beneficial nutrients help treat gingivitis?

Gingivitis can have many causes. Vitamin C and fiber deficiencies are among the most important causes of gum disease. Therefore, eating foods that contain fiber such as nuts, grains, vegetables, fruits, and foods that contain vitamin C such as oranges and other citrus fruits can help treat inflammation and bleeding gums.