Fortunately, orthodontic treatment allows patients to treat jaw and dental abnormalities in an initial and permanent manner. Improving the improper position of the jaw and teeth greatly reduces the complications of mouth breathing. Of course, the other thing is that mouth breathing can increase the length of orthodontic treatment.
Of course, you do not need to worry, because the orthodontist will explain to the patient all the possible problems and difficulties of treatment during the examination. Dental alignment and jaw position may be slightly more than normal in patients with mouth breathing. For this reason, the orthodontist recommends that the patient consult an ENT specialist at the same time as the orthodontic treatment to prevent recurring malocclusions. Finally, we came to the conclusion that before the complications of mouth breathing and the need for orthodontics occur, this problem must be resolved. Because long-term mouth breathing leads to the patient’s need for orthodontics, the cost of orthodontics, and the length of treatment.