Important aspects of adult orthodontic treatment

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Healthy and regular teeth can be experienced at any age, so it’s never too late to get orthodontic treatment. However, adult orthodontic treatment has two important aspects: On the one hand, adults have reached puberty and jaws have completed growth and development, so jaw structure cannot be changed exclusively with orthodontic appliances. As a result, in many cases, when an adult has a jaw deformity, they will need surgery in addition to orthodontics.

For example, in adult orthodontics, the upper or lower jaw is not in its normal position and is behind or ahead of the normal position. In these cases, orthodontic treatment is not the only working adult, and jaw surgery must be used to return the jaw to its original position.

Orthodontic treatment for adults is sometimes difficult because several disciplines need to be used together and the growth of a full jaw makes the process more challenging. In fact, orthodontic treatment for adults can be more complex than treatment for children. Therefore, the jaw and facial structure of adults cannot be achieved in the same way as during pediatric orthodontic treatment, and only the alignment of the teeth can be adjusted.