Straightening crooked teeth and improving digestive function

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It is good to know that orthodontics not only affects the beauty and alignment of the teeth, but also has other effects on other body systems, including the digestive system. In fact, with crooked braces, you’ll achieve oral health first. The integrity of the digestive system of the human body begins in the oral cavity, and the health of this system requires providing oral health at the beginning of this system first.

Crooked teeth have a direct effect on chewing and grinding food and prevent the initial digestive processes that occur in the mouth from taking place properly. When the teeth are aligned and even, the food will be chewed completely and the digestion process will take place properly. In this case, the health of the digestive system is not endangered.

In general, with braces, crooked teeth will accomplish two important things. 1. Dental aesthetics and 2. Dental performance.