Frequently asked questions about lip placement and orthodontics

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  1. Is it always possible to correct the position of the lips with braces?

In order to correctly answer this question, a clinical examination by an orthodontist is necessary. The orthodontist, when examining the type of orthodontic appliance, suggests the appropriate time with appropriate orthodontic treatment and method of treatment and predicts possible changes in soft tissues such as the lips.

  1. How is the shape of the lips changed after orthodontics and how much?

Many patients are afraid of the effect of braces on the position of the lips, so you can talk to your orthodontist before braces and consult him to learn about any changes in your face. Usually after orthodontic treatment in patients in the growth period, you can see many changes in the soft tissues of the face, such as the lips.

3- Does the position of the cheeks also change in braces, or are the changes only related to the lips?

In most cases, the changes are on the lips, but in patients who undergo orthodontic treatment or surgery, depending on the type of problem, the general shape of the face and the soft tissues of the face also change. In general, the orthodontist identifies the problems the patient has (eg, underbite, overbite, open bite, etc.); The amount of facial changes can be predicted.

4- Is it beneficial to change the shape of the lips after braces or not?

Orthodontic treatment is performed to harmonize the parts of the face, and the changes that occur during orthodontic treatment to the soft tissues and shape of the lips will be positive. In other words, if the lips are forward, they can be moved backward with braces, or if the lips are backward, they can be moved forward with braces.

5- Does the patient’s age affect how the shape of the lips changes after orthodontics?

Age is an effective factor in causing changes in the lips. At an early age and post-pubertal age, with orthodontics and jaw surgery, the shape of the lips can be changed.

6- How to prevent changing the shape of the lips during orthodontics?

An experienced orthodontist using biomechanics can prevent changes in the lips. In fact, dentistry and orthodontics is an art that every professional uses depending on his experience and skill level.