When a patient suffers from problems such as crooked teeth and asymmetry, he must see an orthodontist, not a general dentist. As is the case when a patient suffers from heart problems and diseases, he should see a cardiologist, not a general practitioner. Likewise, for the diagnosis and treatment of jaw deformities, it is necessary to first see an orthodontist. The orthodontist treats jaw problems using removable orthodontic appliances, but if the patient’s age in relation to orthodontics is advanced to treat jaw deformities, the orthodontist may refer the patient to a maxillofacial surgeon as well. This category of patients usually needs to adjust and arrange the teeth before surgical treatment, as the orthodontist treats these problems before surgery with fixed orthodontic appliances.
In addition to seeing the dentist regularly, children should have their teeth examined by an orthodontist at least once at the age of eight. If a child has abnormalities in the jaw or teeth, timely diagnosis can help get the fastest, best and least expensive results in orthodontic treatment on schedule.