Due to the continuous growth of children, they may develop some dental and jaw problems. These problems are either genetic or caused by bad habits like finger sucking. Children’s orthodontics eliminates problems with the teeth and jaws, maintains dental function, and prevents secondary problems and diseases such as digestive problems and tooth decay in the child.
Usually, families are required to take their children between the ages of 8 and 10 to an orthodontist for a dental and maxillofacial examination. At this age, due to the sufficient development of the milk teeth and their replacement with permanent teeth, if the child has severe dental problems, the orthodontist will determine that these problems can affect the normal function of his teeth or cause early decay of his teeth, then he will use orthodontic treatment for children.
Also in childhood, many of these problems can be treated in a shorter time because bone growth is more likely to occur. Many dental and maxillofacial problems and diseases are still in their early stages in childhood, and due to the possibility of bone and tooth growth, correcting these defects using braces in children is faster and easier.