How to protect the first teeth?

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Baby teeth are protected just like children’s and adult teeth: through proper brushing. In addition to daily oral hygiene, other tips from pediatric dentists help parents take proper care of baby’s first teeth:

Prevent the baby from sleeping with the bottle in his mouth. Milk residue in contact with the gums or teeth increases the risk of caries formation.
Once the first teeth have erupted, start spacing out the nighttime feedings so that the baby is fed preferentially during the day. In the hours of sleep at night, oral bacteria have greater activity, as they feed on the milk residue that remains in the mouth of the little one.
Do not dip the pacifier in sugar or any sweet food or drink. Avoid serving sugary foods, juices or fruit juices as much as possible.
Brush your child’s teeth at least twice a day, after breakfast and before going to bed at night. This way you can ensure that most of the bacteria that grow and develop most rapidly during the night are eliminated.
If you have any questions, consult your dentist on how to care for and clean your child’s teeth, following the appropriate instructions. Remember, a person’s oral health starts from early childhood.