In the same way that during the summer it is recommended to pay particular attention to the health of our skin due to greater exposure to the sun’s rays, or the correct functioning of the digestive system due to a change in diet, oral health is more susceptible to certain problems.
Follow these simple tips for proper dental care this summer:
Travel oral hygiene kit
During your vacation, always carry a complete dental cleaning kit with you. Consisting of a portable toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, and floss or interdental brush, you’ll have no excuse for brushing after eating out.
Maintain a brushing routine
Continue your dental care routine during the holidays without taking any steps. Just by dedicating a few minutes to oral hygiene after each meal, you can prevent multiple dental and gum problems.
Take care of your toothbrush
Pay attention to the care of your toothbrush. If you are going to carry it in your purse or toiletry bag, make sure to protect it well so that it does not get damaged or contaminated. Keep it away from the bedding of other family members to avoid cross contamination. And don’t forget to change it for a new one every 2 or 3 months, or in case you see it deteriorate.
Chewing sugar-free gum
If you do not have the opportunity to brush your teeth after eating, sugar-free gum is a good alternative to protect your oral health. By chewing gum, you generate a greater flow of saliva in the mouth, favoring food debris to be separated more easily and helping to reduce the amount of biofilms that form on the surface of the teeth and gums.
Maintain good hydration
Drinking plenty of water is another alternative to maintaining oral hygiene and balancing the pH in your mouth when you’re eating out and don’t have the option of brushing your teeth. Consumption of water prevents infection in the mouth and at the same time keeps you hydrated in this time of excessive heat.
Limit sugary drinks
Avoid drinking sugary drinks or foods high in sugar as much as possible. It is natural that in the summer we want to drink more juices, soft drinks, ice cream and sweets, but if this is done, the key is to limit the frequency and, above all, to brush your teeth later to eliminate sugar residue.
Limit consumption of cold drinks and foods
Cold drinks and foods are also more acceptable in the summer holidays. However, it can increase tooth sensitivity, causing multiple discomforts in the teeth and gums. If you are hypersensitive, try not to consume very cold or hot drinks.
Avoid alcohol and tobacco use
Moderate or avoid tobacco and alcohol use for dental care during the holidays. In addition to not being generally good for health, both alcohol and tobacco favor bad breath and affect the body’s natural defenses, making it more vulnerable to any kind of infection.
Visiting the dentist after the holidays
Take the opportunity to make an appointment with your dentist right after the summer period. This is the perfect time to go for a full exam and even an annual oral cleaning.
Find other tips for enjoying good oral health at any time of the year on the KIN blog.
If you have any questions, ask your dentist what you can do to enhance your dental care during the holidays, and wear a more beautiful, healthier smile all season long.