What causes caries

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Caries is a process that takes a long time to develop. They do not appear from one day to the next, as they require the slow but continuous action of the bacteria that normally inhabit the mouth.

These bacteria should not be harmful to dental health if their growth is controlled. The same action of saliva and brushing after each meal is sufficient to maintain the formation of a dental biofilm that destroys enamel.

However, the type of diet and current lifestyle plays against preserving teeth. There are many reasons that can cause caries to appear. Among them, the following stand out:

Frequent consumption of drinks and foods that stick to the teeth.
Constant intake of sugars.
Dry mouth, especially in the elderly.
Gum recession, beginning to form cavities near the root of the tooth.
Oral hygiene, or improper use of cleaning supplies.
Do not go to the dentist as often as necessary.