Tips for maintaining a dental splint

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Just as important as cleaning a dental splint is making and maintaining correct use. If you want to keep your new cast longer, follow these tips:

How to store a splint?
While you are not wearing it, keep the splint as dry as possible in the protective box. Never keep it wet. You can allow it to dry on a sterile surface where you don’t run the risk of getting dirty, or help yourself with a paper towel to remove the moisture before storing it.

Hygiene before using the splint
Remember to always brush your teeth before putting on your cast. Also use floss to make sure all traces of food and bacterial plaque are removed.

It is also important to manipulate the splint with clean hands, wetting them before applying them to prevent them from sticking to the teeth and palate.

Repeated damage to the dental splint
Although the material of the splint is tough, rubbing it against metal objects can deteriorate it. To avoid possible damage, handle it only with your fingers, and try to clean it with a special brush of soft bristles.

Any scratch or hole that could host bacteria inside, is virtually impossible to remove during cleaning. If you notice that the splint begins to deteriorate, consult your dentist about the possibility of replacing it.

Dental splint and heat sources
To give a final shape to a dental splint a large amount of heat is usually applied which makes the material completely flexible. For this reason it is important to keep the splint from any heat source, and to prevent it from deforming and losing its functionality.

Don’t wash it with hot water, or leave it in a place where it gets direct sunlight so that it won’t yellow.

With this simple care, and proper cleaning done, your dental splint will last much longer to fulfill its function perfectly.