Treating temporary tooth sensitivity

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The first step in treating tooth sensitivity is to discuss the cause with your dentist. In this way, the best prognosis can be made by adapting the treatment in a personalized manner.

To treat temporary tooth sensitivity, and to prevent its appearance due to the most common causes we have mentioned, the use of SensiKIN toothpaste and mouthwash is an excellent remedy for relieving discomfort.

This specific line of relatives for the treatment of dental sensitivity helps combat the dental biofilm while simultaneously desensitizing the nerves of the dental pulp. It prevents discomfort caused by brushing and allows for complete oral hygiene.

In addition to the paste and mouthwash, the SensiKIN line contains a denture gel and an oral spray to be applied directly to the affected area. Its function is to desensitize the dentin, preventing pain from arising before certain external stimuli.

To reduce tooth sensitivity, your dentist will be able to help you find the perfect solution. Meanwhile, the products of the SensiKIN line will become your best ally.