head shield

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Head gear (in English: Headgear) or head strap manufactured for orthodontics is one of the devices that is used outside the mouth and is often done in conjunction with orthodontics to modify malocclusion (in English: Malocclusion), while orthodontics corrects the positions of the teeth head gear is added to the treatment with the aim of Changing the straightness of the jaw, and to move the teeth, especially the molars (in English: Molars) in some cases, and the principle of the headgear work – regardless of the desired goal – is based on generating pressure on the orthodontics through metal coils (in English: Coils), and hooks (in English: Hooks). ), and metal and rubber orthodontic bands and other peripheral devices, and like its predecessor from functional devices, the headgear gives the best results when the jaw is under development as in children and adolescents, and if it is decided to use it for an adult, then this is to correct the position of the teeth that have moved from their place as a result of the extraction of other teeth, The use of headgear is no longer as popular as in the past, but this does not mean that it is worn out and not used at all; Rather, studies have found that some cases of malocclusion are not treated without it.[9] To learn more about the types of orthodontics, you can read the following article: (Types of orthodontics).