Abrasives make up about 50% of an ideal toothpaste. These are non-dissolving particles that help remove plaque from the teeth. Descaling helps reduce cavities and gum disease. Abrasive materials include particles of aluminum hydroxide, calcium carbonate, a variety of calcium hydrogen phosphate, a variety of silica and zeolites, as well as hydroxyapatite. Abrasive materials work as a polishing material for teeth and dentists use them in their clinics. Also, these abrasive materials erode a small part of the enamel, and this process is called polishing. Some commercial products contain white powders, which act as an abrasive and add shine to the putty as well. Dental polishing is the removal of pigments from the surface of the tooth, but polishing has not been shown to improve dental health, in addition to its effect on plaque removal. [4]
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