susceptible age groups

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Research indicates that the disease “oral cold sore” often affects people in childhood, adolescence and young adults, and then this disease continues repeatedly throughout life.

Oral herpes goes through a period of lethargy, dormancy, and no symptoms for periods, then these red, fluid-filled blisters appear again.

When these ulcers reappear, they are in the same places and areas where they appeared before, and that is every time they appear.[7]

The period of disappearance of the disease and its symptoms varies from one case to another, according to the strength of the immune system and its response to this virus, and according to the mood and psychological state of the case.

There may be a role for hormonal changes in adulthood, as they can activate this virus and stimulate it to work and reproduce.

This continuation of the disease in people infected with this virus is due to the fact that so far there is no effective treatment for these ulcers, and no drug has been produced that can eliminate and eliminate the herpes simplex virus.

Medicines that are available, their role is to alleviate the symptoms of this disease.[8]

Treatment helps to shorten the period of appearance of these ulcers and blisters, and there are also medicines that help eliminate these symptoms in many affected cases, and in some cases “cold sores” can heal and heal within sixteen days using some natural means and methods in treating and getting rid of them, These natural remedies and recipes are many and varied. [9