wisdom tooth

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Wisdom teeth are the third permanent molars that erupt at a late age and coincide with the period when a person reaches adulthood. Therefore, it is called wisdom teeth. In fact, it has nothing to do with the mind or adulthood other than the aforementioned relationship. In our time, it is the most vulnerable tooth to impaction and non-emergence, and sometimes it is not formed at all. This is what many people called to consider it an extra tooth that has no function. This can be explained by the theory of environmental adaptation. In ancient times, people ate hard, uncooked items that eroded teeth as a result of their strong friction with each other. This is in addition to the large jaws at that time, which allowed the wisdom teeth to be formed and erupted without any trouble. That day has changed by changing the methods and quality of eating to more delicate ways and eating more softly, which reduced tooth erosion and the small distance allocated for the eruption of wisdom teeth, which causes them to be eroded. And do not forget to refer to the genetic factor as well, which resulted from intermarriage between different races in our time, which led to an increase in deformities of the teeth and jaws, including crowding of the teeth, especially the wisdom teeth. Problems vary depending on the position of the wisdom teeth. When it is in its normal position, it may be difficult to reach for cleaning, which leads to the accumulation of tartar and limescale, which are the main causes of cavities and inflammation of the surrounding gums. And other times, its eruption is incomplete, which makes it partially covered by the gums. The most important accompanying problem in this case is inflammation of the gums that cover the tooth, and it is a periodontal pocket that may be filled with lime and food residues, which are difficult to remove, which leads to more inflammation and exposes the tooth to decay. Also, the dishes may cause inflammation of the gums covering the tooth during chewing, causing a very painful bacterial infection called pericornoitis. In advanced cases, such inflammation may cause a gum abscess and sometimes an inability to open the mouth. which are inserted patients to a permanent pain duration. In many cases, the wisdom teeth are completely impacted and buried within the jawbone, or they simply fail to erupt. This may lead to pressure on the rest of the teeth or the formation of a satisfactory cyst (Cyst). The impacted molar takes different forms, ranging from horizontal to inclined in different directions, which sometimes causes it to not erupt. The most important thing that we must point out is what some American studies indicated that wisdom teeth may be a focus of bacterial infections that may move to distant areas in the neck and head, which may cause serious complications.