6-Tips on relieving infant discomfort during teething

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Try giving them refrigerated teething rings, refrigerated or frozen veggies, or teething toys to nibble on, and avoid liquid-filled rings, as the baby may chew on them, spilling the liquid and causing toxicity.
Beware of using topical teething gel for children; Because these products can be harmful, if the pain is severe, the painkillers prescribed by the doctor are safer and better.
Clean the baby’s mouth with a clean cloth even before the teeth begin to appear, and follow-up visits to the dentist after the first teeth appear and before the first birthday.
As soon as the baby’s teeth appear, the mother should start brushing the baby’s teeth..while avoiding giving pacifiers dipped in sweet solutions.
Early teething does not mean the need for early introduction of solid food, and breastfeeding should continue for up to six months of age initially.
Early tooth eruption does not depend on the tooth germ (or tooth bud) in the jaws, and has nothing to do with the child’s intelligence or not.
Some children may develop the habit of excessive thumb sucking or pacifier sucking due to early teething, which leads to crooked or misaligned teeth in the long run.