Information about teething and milk teeth in children

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Milk teeth appear between the ages of 4-6 months of the child’s life.

The mother can judge the delay in the appearance of the child’s teeth if he reaches the age of 18 months and no tooth appears.

Some children are born with teeth in their mouth, and these must be removed by the doctor.

The first tooth may appear at the age of 9 months.

The appearance of the first tooth is painful.

The appearance of molars is more painful than the incisors, for example.

In the event of delayed teething, the mother should go to the doctor.

The child should be exposed to the sun and vitamin D should be provided. In order not to delay the teething of the child.

Drooling in the infant a lot means that the mother is preparing for the eruption of teeth, as well as his tension and lack of sleep.

Teething symptoms appear a month or two before it erupts.

The symptoms of teething are obvious, namely increased salivation, biting, fussiness, crying and ear rubbing.

Ear rubbing in a teething infant is not due to infection, but it is a symptom of teething.