A thesis at the University of Karbala discusses the role of coordination between fiscal and monetary policies in reducing the phenomenon of poverty

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A dissertation in the College of Administration and Economics at the University of Karbala discussed the role of coordination between the two monetary and fiscal policies in reducing the phenomenon of poverty – the experiences of selected countries, with special reference to Iraq.
The study presented by the researcher Mortada Ahmed Salman came with the aim of identifying the role of fiscal and monetary policies in affecting the phenomenon of poverty in Algeria and Egypt, with the possibility of benefiting from it in Iraq, especially since Algeria and Egypt are economies somewhat similar to the economy of Iraq. A major source in the global markets, while the Egyptian economy experienced conditions similar to Iraq’s political, social and economic conditions.
The thesis concludes that achieving the economic goals of price stability and growth requires achieving an ideal mix of policies aimed at integrating each other. This means creating better coordination between both policies in order to ensure high and sustainable economic growth with price stability.
The study recommended the need for coordination between the Central Bank as the body responsible for implementing the objectives of monetary policy and the rest of the government agencies responsible for drawing and implementing financial policy, trade policy and exchange rate policy within the framework of the general economic policy of the state.