Ways to calm a crying infant

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Massage reduces infant crying
It even helps them sleep better, so make sure to massage your little one’s body with slow and calm movements on the legs, back, chest and face.

Massage his forehead, between his eyes and behind his ears as well, with steady circular motions, to give him a feeling of relaxation, and then calmness and sleep.

Provide him with a quiet and continuous sound, which is known as white noise. When he was a fetus inside you, he would feel your heartbeat and calm down. Hug him and be near him always, so that he feels your concern and feels safe and that you contain him, so he calms down and stops crying.

Give him a warm bath, which is an excellent solution in many cases, and gently massage him with baby oil with the scent of lavender, so that he feels relaxed and calm.

Offer him some herbs that are allowed for infants, such as caraway and chamomile, as soon as he reaches the age of six months.