When should I contact the doctor?

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If the baby continues to spit up and has symptoms such as green vomiting, flatulence, fever or lethargy, seek immediate medical attention. Especially if there is no apparent reason why the baby is spitting up blood and if it continues for a long time, then you should definitely take the baby to the pediatrician.

Also, the blood that passes with the breast milk will also mix with the intestines and the blood can be seen in the baby’s stool as well. If there is no blood coming from the nipple or if the baby is formula-fed and is still spitting up blood, the baby should be taken to a doctor immediately.

In the end, the doctor must be told about all the signs and symptoms that the child suffers from, such as fever, constipation, colic, flatulence, etc., so that the doctor explains the procedures that must be taken to the child and the mother.

Note from “Madam Net”: Before applying this recipe or treatment, consult a specialist.