Professors, employees and students of the University of Karbala denounced the repeated abuses of the Holy Qur’an and the flag of the Republic of Iraq in front of the Iraqi embassy in Sweden and Denmark.
The university president, Prof. Bassem Al-Saeedi, said: “The University of Karbala condemns in the strongest terms the repeated abuses that the Holy Qur’an and the flag of the Republic of Iraq were subjected to in front of the Iraqi embassy building in Denmark and in front of the Iraqi embassy building in Sweden.
The attendees considered this act to be a disgraceful act that offends the feelings of Muslims and violates the principle of respect for religions, and that the act of burning the Holy Qur’an and the flag of Iraq represents a provocative act for Iraqi national feelings, and feeds the cycle of extremism and violence on the part of those who wait for the opportunity to broadcast their poison and spread their destructive ideas.