Shortening the period of orthodontic treatment

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The average length of orthodontic treatment to move teeth is one and a half years. New methods have recently been presented in orthodontic books that help orthodontists shorten the duration of treatment, but they are not very practical. This was done by injecting certain substances into the animals, which reduced the length of time the teeth moved. They were also able to get into this by creating magnetic fields, which of course cannot be done on humans.

Using methods such as cricotomy, periodontal procedures can be performed to reduce the duration of treatment. These are all new research projects that may take another two to three years to reach a conclusion in shortening the duration of orthodontic treatment. But not now. Currently, the old methods are used and the patient is told that it takes a year and a half to move the teeth, but if the jaw is going to move, additional time may be required.