The College of Dentistry / University of Karbala concluded its training course on the Excel program (basic and advanced skills for the Excel program) with the participation of a group of professors and employees of the college. The aim of the course was to identify the advantages of the Excel program and benefit from the capabilities of this program in developing the administrative work of the college employees and also for the masters. The teachers are working on some special statistics functions in the field of scientific research and how to deal with statistical data. The last day of the course included a practical exam under the supervision of the course lecturer, Assistant Lecturer Anwar Abdel Hussein Al-Amiri. It is worth noting that the College of Dentistry is at the forefront of the colleges of the University of Karbala in terms of paying attention to the staff and developing their skills. It is planned to conduct other courses in the second course of this academic year in the field of computer programs, including Word and the statistics program SPSS.