A master’s thesis at the College of Education for Human Sciences at the University of Karbala discussed the effectiveness of the cognitive training program for developing balanced wisdom among the male and female guides of the holy city of Karbala.
The problem of the study revolved around knowing the extent to which the educational counselor in Iraqi schools possesses balanced wisdom in solving his problems.
The importance of the study stems from the reference to wisdom in the Lalande dictionary, as it is the science of philosophy in the course of speech in ancient Greek times, as scientific research into wisdom remained very limited, especially in psychology.
The research aims to identify the effectiveness of the cognitive training program prepared to develop a balanced campaign among male and female guides in the Holy Karbala Governorate.
The study reached a set of results, including that the results of the experimental group’s scores for counselors with 5 years of experience or more on the balanced wisdom scale after implementing the training program were better than their scores before implementing the program.