The Deanship of the College of Dentistry at the University of Karbala, led by Assistant Professor Dr. Muhannad Salah Abdel Sattar, the faculty members and all the college staff, extends its warmest and most beautiful congratulations and congratulations to the new students accepted in the first stage of the current academic year 2023-2024, asking God Almighty to have a happy academic year. Full of success and excellence, we would like to point out to our students some important points necessary to complete the requirements for registration in the college, as follows:
• Firstly,
According to the instructions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the student must register in the college to which he is accepted within a maximum period of two weeks from the date of announcing the results of the central admission, and the student is required to submit the original document for preparatory study supported by the authentication of the General Directorate of Education in the governorate in which the student graduated.
• secondly,
The documents required for registration for the current academic year are:
The central admission form or the admission form for the families of martyrs or the parallel (central sheet).
Two colored copies of the unified card for the student and his parents, or of the civil status identity card and the Iraqi nationality certificate for the student and his parents, as well as two colored copies of the housing card and the ration card. If one of the parents is deceased, please bring the death certificate.
Please bring a certified residence permit from the District Attorney if the residence card is not available.
The original preparatory study document with three colored copies of it, or confirmation of grades until the original preparatory study document is issued.
Legal guarantee for a regular or retired employee, according to the regulations that will be published later.
(6) recent photos.
Medical examination form issued by medical committees with a blood group screening test.
A receipt from the Accounts Division (the Fund) for initiating and registering.
• Third,
Fill out the admission form (information about the student). The form is available in the Registration Department and can also be downloaded from this link (click here to download the form).
• Fourthly,
Bring (1) olive green comment file and (3) nylon dividers to preserve the student’s original priorities. In conclusion, we would like to inform you of the necessity of completing all of the above-mentioned paragraphs, and in the event of any deficiency, the transaction will not be received.
millimeter. Sultan Karim Sultan
Media and Government Communications Division