The Registration Division at the College of Dentistry has begun receiving new students admitted to the first stage – preliminary study within the central admission channel for the current academic year 2023-2024. The registration process began after announcing the names of those accepted through the central electronic portal of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
The Registration Division official at the college, Mr. Fadel Nima Shalabh, said that the Registration Division began receiving students accepted into the college since this morning, Tuesday, October 31, 2023. In turn, he praised the efforts of the division’s staff, who are distinguished by their high determination and keenness to provide and provide all the necessary facilities and procedures for new students. As the reception and registration of students took place through the formation of reception committees and committees for auditing student files, the committees are keen to review the students’ documents and documents, include them in the college’s database, prepare all the necessary supplies for them, and answer all their questions and inquiries related to the admission process. He stressed the workflow with all flexibility. Streamlined and high performance.
For his part, the Dean of the College of Dentistry, Assistant Professor Dr. Muhannad Salah Abdel Sattar, congratulated and offered congratulations to our new students, emphasizing the provision of all services and facilities to them, in accordance with controls and standards, wishing them a year full of success and success. He pointed out the college’s keenness to excel as an integrated work system to provide An educational environment that keeps pace with scientific development and is capable of presenting its mission in serving the community. The Deanship of the College has harnessed all its capabilities in preparation for receiving new students for the purpose of registering them and completing their transactions as quickly as possible.
It is worth noting that the total number of students accepted this year at the University of Karbala within the central admission channel is 7,137 male and female students distributed among the university’s various colleges, of which the share of the College of Dentistry was 124 male and female students, and this number is subject to increase, especially after submitting requests for re-nomination and transfer between universities. Iraqi.
millimeter. Sultan Karim Sultan
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