The entire month of October has been activated every year to raise awareness about breast cancer since 2006 AD, as it is considered one of the most common cancers in women. At present, there is not sufficient knowledge about the causes of breast cancer. However, there is knowledge of the risk factors that increase the probability of contracting it, and therefore prevention and early detection of the disease remain the cornerstone of combating it. Based on this principle, the Women’s Empowerment Unit at the College of Dentistry / University of Karbala organized an awareness campaign about the dangers of the disease yesterday, Tuesday, the 31st. -10-2023, under the auspices of the Dean of the College, Assistant Professor Dr. Muhannad Salah Abdel Sattar, and with the participation of the female students of the second stage.
The official in charge of the women’s empowerment unit at the college, teacher Dr. Fatima Sahib Abdul, who also supervises the organization of the campaign, said, “The campaign included distributing scientific paper leaflets to female students and employees containing medical awareness information about breast cancer, the benefits of early screening in women, and the great harms resulting from the infection if the indicators are neglected.” Early detection of breast cancer makes an effective contribution to accelerating treatment and the possibility of recovery and improvement in a shorter time.”
It is worth noting that breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the world in 2020 AD, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer estimates that there are more than 2.26 million new cases of breast cancer, and about 685,000 deaths due to breast cancer worldwide, and in 2020 AD Breast cancer is ranked as the fifth most common cause of cancer death overall.
The campaign took place within the vicinity of the College of Dentistry and other medical colleges at the University of Karbala – Al-Mutafif District Complex, to increase community awareness of breast cancer and ways to combat it. This campaign comes within a group of scientific and practical activities held by the College of Dentistry at the University of Karbala, which are directly related to the health and safety of the community, in addition to Therefore, it is part of the efforts made by the College Deanship to engage in community service.
millimeter. Sultan Karim Sultan
Media and Government Communications Division