A master’s thesis at the College of Education for Human Sciences at the University of Karbala discussed the general conditions at the end of the seventh century AH in the Zab region in Islamic Morocco.
One of the motives that prompted the choice of the title of the study was to address the historical events that this region witnessed, especially since academic studies in Iraqi universities did not address it separately from the history of the Central Maghreb and did not highlight the important aspects of its history.
The study included three chapters. The first talked about the political and military events in the country of the Zab, the era of the governors, and the political fluctuations. It also dealt with the political events during the era of the Sanhajis, the Almoravids, and the Almohads. The second chapter reviewed the social, religious, and sectarian conditions in the country of the Zab, while the third chapter touched on the economic aspects in the region. Such as agriculture and industry.
The study reached several results, including that the country of the Zab has an important geographical area that includes many cities, in addition to that it includes multi-ethnic population elements, including Berbers, the indigenous inhabitants of the country, Africans, and the remnants of the Romans and Arabs from the vanguard of the conquest and then from the Crescent migrations.