Assistant Professor Dr. Raouf Rashid Al-Tamah, teaching at the College of Dentistry / University of Karbala, participated in the membership of the discussion committee for master’s student Hussein Qais Aswad – Orthodontics specialty at the College of Dentistry / University of Baghdad for his thesis entitled (Orthodontic bracket failure rate after preparing tooth enamel with etching paste). New: Randomized clinical trial)
After the student was extensively discussed by the discussion committee and after listening to his defense of his thesis and the diversity of scientific sources and practical results he obtained, his thesis was accepted at the conclusion of the discussion and approved for obtaining a master’s degree in orthodontics. Congratulations to the student, the discussion committee and the University of Baghdad for their academic achievement, and we wish our dear professors and students Success and lasting success in service to our great country.
millimeter. Sultan Karim Sultan
Media and Government Communications Division