Coinciding with the end of the registration process for new students accepted within the central admission channel for the academic year 2023-2024 and their imminent commencement of official work at the college, it is necessary to address the history of the College of Dentistry at the University of Karbala, mentioning the vision, mission and goals behind the establishment of the college so that the picture becomes clear to our new students. To help them develop a road map for their excellence and distinction during their academic and practical career within the college’s academic stages.
First, the establishment: The College of Dentistry was established at the University of Karbala in 2011 AD. It seeks to raise the level of medical services for the citizens of the Holy Governorate of Karbala, as well as the rest of the governorates of Iraq, by graduating competent dentists to work in health institutions on the one hand, and on the other hand providing various medical services. Through the educational medical clinics in the college, which were established in 2013 AD, and were expanded several times to meet the growing need for medical services provided to the citizens of Karbala Governorate. In 2017, the Oral Surgery Clinic and the Operations Clinic were opened, and in 2023 the clinics were expanded in general, as two halls were opened. Two large buildings equipped with the latest medical equipment and dental chairs.
Scientific branches: The College of Dentistry includes five scientific branches: the Basic Medical Sciences Branch, the Dental Industry Branch, the Maxillofacial Surgery Branch, the Dental Treatment Branch, and the Oral Diagnosis Branch.
The vision, the vision of the college is: leadership and excellence in the quality of education and scientific research to achieve global accreditation and prepare cadres responsible for providing high-quality health community service in all dental specialties.
The mission: Based on the need to provide nationally qualified dentists and in awareness of the pioneering role that the college should aspire to in serving the community, the college has been keen to occupy a distinguished position in the field of dental sciences through:
- Educating and training male and female students to qualify and graduate distinguished male and female dentists to provide therapeutic services in all fields of oral and dental medicine.
- Spreading health awareness and prevention methods necessary to maintain oral and dental health.
- Preparing specialized cadres in various fields of dentistry through postgraduate programs.
Objectives: The college’s objectives can be summarized in the following points:
- Creating and supporting areas of scientific research to find appropriate solutions to oral and dental health problems in society.
- Providing distinguished treatment areas for patients in various specialties of oral and dental medicine, including dental implants and the use of modern technologies in the fields of treatment and diagnosis.
- Providing medical and technical consultations to various sectors of the state.
- Providing distinguished services in all dental specialties in private clinics at the College of Dentistry.
In conclusion, the College of Dentistry at the University of Karbala is continuing to improve the educational reality and reach the highest levels of quality and scientific sobriety by developing its material and human resources. Developing material resources means developing and expanding classrooms, providing all the necessary equipment for the college’s laboratories and educational medical clinics, and using modern technology in teaching. Developing human resources also means developing the academic level of faculty members, as well as developing the cognitive level of college staff in general through continuing education, which includes holding courses, workshops, and seminars that contribute to the exchange of practical and scientific experiences among college staff.
millimeter. Sultan Karim Sultan
Media and Government Communications Division