The College of Education for Humanities at the University of Karbala discussed a master’s thesis entitled (The interior structure of traditional residential shops in Holy Karbala, “Bab al-Salamah and Bab al-Khan,” as a model).
The study, which was supervised by Professor Dr. Riyad Kazem Salman, consisted of five chapters, the first of which was devoted to identifying the natural and human characteristics of the research sample, while the second chapter was concerned with studying the historical morphological stages of the holy city of Karbala from its inception until the present.
The third chapter dealt with the analysis of urban land uses in the study area, while the fourth chapter dealt with an analysis of the reality of population characteristics in the study area, while the fifth chapter focused on studying the future of the internal structure of the study area in light of population growth.
The importance of the study lies in its attempt to determine the extent of the urban changes that occurred in the Bab al-Salamah and Bab al-Khan localities, and to study the service and urban reality of the study area, as well as an attempt to reveal some of the demographic characteristics and social developments that characterize the residents of these localities.
One of the objectives that the study seeks to achieve is to analyze and explain the internal structure of residential areas through the reality of land uses during the morphological stages that the city passed through, as well as analyzing the residential reality through studying the economic and social characteristics.