With feelings full of joy and pleasure, the Deanship of the College of Dentistry at the University of Karbala, headed by the honorable Dean of the College, the faculty members and all the college staff, extends its warmest and most beautiful congratulations and congratulations to the researcher Ali Falah Fahd for obtaining a master’s degree from the College of Engineering / University of Karbala for his thesis titled “Modeling the Road Network.” “Modeling Urban Traffic Road Network In Kerbala City Using GIS” (Modeling Urban Traffic Road Network In Kerbala City Using GIS). We pray to God Almighty to bless him with this scientific excellence and we wish him further progress and success.
This study, presented by researcher Ali Falah Fahd, aimed to create a model of the urban road network for the holy city of Karbala using geographic information systems (GIS: Geographic information system). The model included building a network of streets, bridges, tunnels, and turnstiles in the GIS system. The model was fed with the necessary data, including the travel time, the speed at which the vehicle was traveling on the street, the length of the street, the height of the bridges, the decrease in tunnels, and other data necessary to build the model.
As a result, a group of service applications were created, including the shortest path for ambulances and fire engines. The path chosen by the GIS system was compared with the actual path taken by ambulance drivers in reality. It was found that there was a saving in time if the path chosen by the GIS system was chosen. Also, the other application of the message was the area served by immediate ambulance centers and fire stations based on the Iraqi standard, the American standard and other service applications for three times during the morning peak, the evening peak and outside the peak time. The service level for the urban roads of the holy city of Karbala was also classified and evaluated based on HCM2000.
millimeter. Sultan Karim Sultan
Media and Government Communications Division