The College of Dentistry at the University of Karbala hosted the fourth regular meeting of the National Council for Accreditation of Colleges of Dentistry on Sunday, November 26, 2023, in the College’s Media Division Hall. The meeting was attended by the deans of governmental and private dental colleges in the Middle Euphrates region, in addition to members of the Quality Assurance Division. In the university.
The meeting included a discussion of the standards set by the National Council for Accreditation of Colleges of Dentistry and methods for implementing them, with clarification of the specific indicators for each standard. A panel discussion was also held in which Professor Dr. Amir Hamdi Hakim, a lecturer at the College of Dentistry / University of Babylon and a member of the Iraqi National Council for Accreditation of Colleges of Dentistry, and a member of the Iraqi National Council for Accreditation of Colleges of Dentistry, lectured. About the national program accreditation standards, the lecturer explained the various aspects of those standards, such as the curriculum, faculty qualifications, infrastructure, clinical training, research facilities, student support services, and professional practices. The application readiness form for accreditation was also discussed.
This meeting aims to introduce public and private dental colleges to the national program accreditation standards, remove any confusion or lack of understanding of those standards, and fully clarify them and their various aspects, as well as assist the colleges in the process of obtaining accreditation in the shortest possible way. This meeting comes within the periodic meetings held by the Council. The national conference in various private and governmental universities and colleges in the field of dentistry, as the previous meeting was at Al-Bayan University in Baghdad Governorate.
It is worth noting that the National Council for Accreditation of Colleges of Dentistry was formed according to a ministerial order issued by the Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Authority in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and the membership of a number of teachers who hold advanced degrees and who have experience in the field of quality and academic accreditation from various governmental and private dental colleges. As well as representatives of the Dentists Syndicate and the Ministry of Health, and the Council is the body responsible for approving the outcomes of dental colleges in Iraq and the integrity of their graduates’ certificates.
millimeter. Sultan Karim Sultan
Media and Government Communications Division